
Connection Issues

Well, my hopes for today are to be one with my new laptop! After several connection issues, I think I'm finally on the web with the rest of you (now that it's 8:30!). Thanks, Steve and Connie, for helping me through this frustration. It is a big goal of mine to NOT use a desktop and to force myself to use a laptop...very uncomfortable territory for me! This may sound silly, but it's the truth. (It must be if I'm actually stating this in all of cyberspace!)

I also have another goal that may seem silly to most of you, but it is still a huge goal for me -- connect to the wireless at home. I tried last night, and unlike Debbie, I did not have success. I spent a good half hour fiddling around on this new laptop and tried to encourage myself to problem solve, but I couldn't connect. Today is a new day, so perhaps the planets will be aligned correctly and it will all come together nicely as I sit on my screened porch, listen to the birds, feel the breeze, and using my technology. Cross your fingers!

I ended up creating an igoogle page last night and cannot believe the hundreds of options that are out there! Did you create one yet? It's fun!

1 comment:

  1. With technology I find it is often two steps forward and two steps back. Just when I think I have it under control something messes it up.

    Here's to a good day!
